In our seventh episode of the Ex-Worker, CrimethInc’s twice-monthly anarchist podcast, we turn south to focus on the massive rebellions that broke out across Brazil in June. We share excerpts from the in-depth report we published from Brazilian anarchist comrades that traces a timeline of the demonstrations and analyzes their politics, tactics, and influences. There’s also a review of the nihilist journal Attentat, tips on writing to prisoners, feedback from listeners on Guy Fawkes masks and small-town anarchy, and reports on exciting actions happening around the world.
You can download this and all of our previous episodes online. You can also subscribe in iTunes here or just add the feed URL to your podcast player of choice. Rate us on iTunes and let us know what you think, or send us an email to podcast@crimethinc.com. A new episode comes out on the first and third Sunday of every month.